Preferences – ECheck

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  1. If you have not done so already click Tools -> Preferences on the text menu to open the Preferences dialog. Then click the ECheck  tab.
  2. ECheck InterfaceWe have used Authorize Net as an example ECheck service for this tutorial. Authorize.Net  is a web based gateway. You will need a utility available from xAuthorize that allows Channergy to communicate with Authorize Net.
    1. Install and test your credit card software, then open Preferences, click the ECheck tab and select your Interface Software.
    2. When you select the following fields appear.
    3. Before you can set up Authorize.Net to work with Channergy you will need to obtain the API LoginID and the Transaction Key.  Below are instructions on how to obtain those.
      1. Open up Notepad
      2. Login to your account
      3. Click the “Account” link at the top.
      4. Click on the link : “API Login ID and Transaction Key” Click the generate button(s) if needed.
        1. NOTE: If you have already generated a API Login ID and Transaction Key, the system will ask you to respond to a security question.
      5. Copy the API Login ID to the clipboard and paste it into the Notepad.
      6. Copy the Transaction Key to the clipboard and paste it into your Notepad on a different line
    4. Enter your data as follows:
      1. Gateway – Select Authorize.Net Echeck Service from the drop down
      2. Login -API Login ID
      3. Password – Transaction Key
      4. E-mail Merchant on Success – Check this if you would like to receive a confirmation email on each charge.
      5. E-mail Merchant on Error – Check this if you would like to receive a confirmation email on each error.
      6. E-mail Server – Enter your SMTP email server (you can locate this in your email software).
      7. Merchant Email – Enter your email address.
      8. Click the OK button to save your changes. An Authorize button will be available on the Payment tab of the Order screen and the Process Payments tab of the Process Orders action.

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